In the Location field, select Edit Locations.In the Authenticate dialog, enter your password for your computer, and click Unlock.Unlock the settings by clicking on the padlock icon on the left side.Open up the System Preferences application.In the Username field, enter your CAEDM username.In the Server address field, enter vpn.et.byu.edu.
In the Authentication selector, choose IKEv2 EAP. In the Connection name field, enter CAEDM IKEv2 VPN. Click on the light-gray strongSwan icon in the menu bar, and click Add Connection. This will be the only indication strongSwan is running. NOTE: You will now have a light-gray swan icon in your menu bar. Confirm that you want to open an application downloaded from the Internet by clicking Open. Double click the strongSwan application. Drag the strongSwan application to your Applications folder. This will extract the archive in the current folder Double click the strongswan-5.3. file you just downloaded. Download the strongSwan client zip file from. NOTE: The following instructions are based on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and 10.10 (Yosemite). Enter your Username and Password in the appropriate fields. Select the CAEDM SSL VPN connection, if it is not already selected. Open the FortiClient application, either from your menu bar if FortiClient was automatically started, or from the Spotlight. In Remote Gateway, type in vpn.et.byu.edu. In the Connection Name field, enter CAEDM SSL VPN. Click the SSL-VPN button at the top, if it is not already selected. Open the FortiClient either from the Spotlight, or from the FortiClient icon in the menu bar. Prompt to finish the install Click Finish. Do not change or remove the fortissl adapter, or the SSL VPN will not work NOTE: The installer will create a new 'fortissl' adapter in your list of network connections. Prompt to confirm your previous settings and continue the install. Prompt for an install location accept the default. Prompt for Complete or VPN only install choose the VPN Only button. Present you will a license agreement, which you will have to accept to continue. Run the client installer you just downloaded. NOTE: You can alternatively download the FortiClient for Mac from. In the FortiClient Download box, click FortiClient Mac. In the blue Please login box, enter your username and password. Try again with the exact address listed above.
NOTE: If you get an orange login screen, then you have entered the wrong address and you will not be able to login. This option works best on Mac OS X versions below 10.11 (El Capitan).